Thursday, December 26, 2019

Manhood in The Tragedy of Macbeth - 1133 Words

In Shakespeare’s Macbeth, he uses the theme of manhood to create motives for characters to act like a man. This is seen in many occurrences in Macbeth where characters try to act like men for certain reasons. Characters that apply this action are Macbeth, the first murderer, Macduff, and Young Siward. These actions are seen throughout the play, and play a key role in the development of the performance. Macbeth tells himself to act like a man in the following lines: â€Å"Prithee, peace! / I dare do all that may become a man; / Who dares do more is none† (I, vii, 45-47). This quote by Macbeth shows how he wants to be a man by killing King Duncan, but he does not think this would be an act of righteousness. Macbeth is in a controversy with†¦show more content†¦/Macbeth: Ay, and a bold one, that dare look on that / Which might appall the devil† (III, iv, 59-61). In these lines by Lady Macbeth and Macbeth, Macbeth says this to prove to Lady Macbeth he is a man. He also says this to prove to Lady Macbeth that he can be trusted to not reveal the secret of him plotting the death of Banquo to the other characters at the banquet. In the same scene Macbeth says to Banquo: â€Å"What man dare, I dare† (III, iv, 100). This line spoken by Macbeth shows how he is showing bravery toward the ghost of Banquo. Macbeth is emphasizing to Banquo that he is a man and Banquo can appear in any form to him and he will not be frightened or show signs of fear. This line spoken by Macbeth shows to the audience he is not going to appear scared because it is manlier to appear to be brave than scared. Another character who is told to act like a man is Macduff. When Macduff hears the news that his family has been murdered he starts to cry. Malcolm then tells him: â€Å"Dispute it like a man† (IV, iii, 219). Macduff responds by saying: â€Å"I shall do so; / But I must also feel it as a man† (IV, iii, 220-221). These lines spoken by Malcolm and Macduff show how manhood is seen differently between them. Macduff understands manhood as remaining strong, but it is not necessary to remain strong when certain occurrences come about. Malcolm’s view of manhood is to always remain strong and always do what is seen as the manly thing to do. In this scene Macduff stillShow MoreRelatedLady Macbeth940 Words   |  4 PagesLady Macbeth Shakespeare, who was a writer born in Stratford-upon-Avon created many different plays, in which he always portrayed the woman as the â€Å"bad guy.† He was born in 1564 and he was a writer, actor and a dramatist. He wrote many plays, mostly revolving around tragedy such as: Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet and Macbeth. Shakespeare was a respected poet, and writer who received recognition after he passed away, April 23rd. 1616. 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Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Police Brutality in America - 1972 Words

Police Brutality in America The Police Department was established to control order and promote good conduct for the civilians in their community. Since the beginning, the police department has been scrutinizing for taking the law into their own hand to restore order. In most cases the individuals affected by brutality is the minorities. Even though the people are happy with the police present in their community, one incident can change the way the community feels towards the Police. Consequently, the higher the crime rate in your community, the likely hood you will suffer from police brutality. Studies have shown that police brutality is and will be a part of your community. In some cases, the officer or officers will be acquitted of†¦show more content†¦(Gray, 4) To compare to the Rodney King beating, a New York 22 year old resident born in West Africa, was shot at 42 times by four New York City uncover police officers. Unfortunately, 19 of those bullets hit Amadou Diallo killing him. Diallo was ret urning home in the Bronx, from his job in Manhattan. From his doorway the four police officers open fire when Diallo went to get his wallet out of his back pocket. The officers believed he was pulling out a gun. All four officers, who were in plainclothes, said they approached Mr. Diallo because they thought he fit the description of a man wanted in a rape case. The officers faced prosecution on second-degree murder and other charges but were acquitted by a jury in Albany. The trial had been moved because of concerns over pretrial publicity. (Buckley, 5) Police brutality breaks a community into pieces and converts them stay within their ethnicity. Tearing a community apart not only affects the economics of that community, but adds to the crime that already exists. Police strategies and roles are intertwined with the economic development that surrounds a community. 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Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Effective Writing and Analyzing a Comparative Report

Question: Discuss about the Effective Writing and Analyzing a Comparative Report. Answer: Introduction Effective writing is the type of writing, which has logical flow of ideas and cohesion in the contents (Paxton 2007). This study will compare two discipline subjects namely Marketing Major and Music. The study will discuss the content, learning sources and methods of these two subjects. Apart from that, the study will also describe the career opportunities for both the subject and provide recommendation upon the subject. Preview Point Comparative study between marketing major and music can highlight different aspects of the twp subjects. Comparison of different elements and core content of these two subjects will illuminate also in its application areas. Marketing studies are the ideal points for the students towards seeking career in the field of marketing management, international marketing, organizational development and operational management. On the other hand, music is subject area with emphasizes on recognizing melody upon which music composition is based. Comparative Analysis According to Woodward-Kron (2004), marketing is the subject, which focuses on development and management of ongoing relationship with the customers, suppliers, partners, competitors and other stakeholders in an organization. The degree of marketing does not only relies on one subject area; rather it develops marketing skills and provides learning of psychology towards understanding the mind of consumers in an organization. Apart from that, the content of marketing subject mostly focuses on business and administrative studies. On the other hand, Coffin et al. (2003) opined that Music subject is the field of study, which is associated with learning music. Moreover, it touches the learning domains like cognitive domain, psychomotor domain, music appreciation and sensitivity. According to Bravo, Lucia-Palacios and Martin (2016), marketing can be learned from different reputed universities both as graduate and undergraduate course. Apart from having classes within the universities, the student can also learn the subject over the internet. Various reputed universities provide online opportunities to the students for learning marketing and having degree on this subject. On the other hand, Juncos and Markman (2016) opined that students can also learn about Music subject from different arts and music colleges and universities. The teaching and learning method for marketing major and music is completely different. Music is something related to arts and marketing major is something related to practical approach used in an organization. Music subject cannot be quantitative in method, whereas marketing major can be somewhat quantitative in approach. According to Coffin et al. (2003), student can get ample opportunities in marketing major towards getting appropriate jobs. Most of the students first get the opportunities in sales and assistant in general marketing. Apart from that, the graduates can also get opportunities in marketing research, public relation manager, consumer behavior consultant, advertising manager and many more. On the other hand, Woodward-Kron, R. (2004) opined that students can get enough career opportunities in the music field after pursuing music subject. Moreover, the students can start their career as music teacher, music tutor, music librarian and others. Later on, the students can also develop their career as musician, music composer, directors and many more. Conclusion While concluding the study, it can be said that Marketing Major Subject and Music are two different types of discipline. Marketing Major is completely related to practical approach used in the organizations. On the other hand, Music is completely related to arts and needs to have tough of creativity in every aspect. Marketing major provide career opportunities in business industry, whereas music provides career opportunities in music industry. Recommendation The students having more power in dealing with public and challenges in life should pursue marketing major. On the other hand, students having passion for music and instruments should pursue music as their subject. Both the subject has enough opportunities in developing careers in life. However, Marketing major is much more effective to develop their careers as business industries are more in number as compared to music industry. References Bravo, R., Lucia-Palacios, L. and Martin, M.J., 2016. Processes and outcomes in student teamwork. An empirical study in a marketing subject.Studies in Higher Education,41(2), pp.302-320. Coffin et al. 2003. Writing for different disciplines. In: Coffin, Caroline; Curry, Mary Jane; Goodman, Sharon; Hewings, Ann; Lillis, Theresa and Swann, Joan eds. Teaching Academic Writing: A Toolkit for Higher Education. London, UK: Routledge, pp. 4572. Juncos, D.G. and Markman, E.J., 2016. Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for the treatment of music performance anxiety: A single subject design with a university student.Psychology of Music,44(5), pp.935-952. Paxton, M. 2007. Tensions between textbook pedagogy and the literacy practices of the disciplinary community: A study of writing in first year economics.Journal Of English For Academic Purposes,6(2), 109-125. Woodward-Kron, R. 2004. Discourse communities and writing apprenticeship: an investigation of these concepts in undergraduate Education students writing.Journal of English for Academic Purposes, 3(2), pp.139-161.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Philip Martin Essays - Jung Chang, Manchuria, Wild Swans

Philip Martin History 242 04/12/00 Wild Swans The title of this book is called Wild Swans. The author is Jung Chang. This book was published November 1992. This book was published in Bantam Doubleday Dell publishing Group in New York and has 500 plus pages. Jung Chang was born in Yibin, Sichunan Province, China, in 1952. Jung Chang was a Red Guard until she was fourteen years old. Later she worked as a peasant. Jung Chang was also a "Barefoot Doctor". Those were the people who tried to help people with the minimum training that they had. Jung Chang was also a steelworker, and an electrician. Later Jung Chang became an English-language student and, later, an assistant lecturer at Sichunan University. In 1978 Jung Chang left for Britain where she was awarded a scholarship from York University. Seven years later in 1982 Jung Chan became the first person from the People's Republic of China to receive a Ph.D. in Linguistics from a British university. Jung Chang now lives London where she teaches at a school of Oriental and African Studies, at London University. The story Wild Swan it takes place in China and it covers 108 years from 1870 to 1978. The book also covers two of the most historical events that happened in China. Those events are (1). The Manchu Empire falls, (2). It talks about the communist party and how it came to power after the civil war in 1949. After the civil war was over the communist party took over the Manchu's place as rulers of China. Mao was the leader of the communist party. During the Manchu period, if a crime was committed and you were innocent it would not matter because you were automatically guilty of the crime. During the Manchu period, the women were treated like they were slaves and the husband did not look at them as a person. The women's roles were to be housewives and have their husband's kids China always believed in what Confucius was trying to teach and also what he believed in. Confucian philosophies are based on his ideas of education and meritocracy. During this period, the caste system was widely used in this area of the world. The caste system was a system where people were born in to their level of society. Confucius believed that through education and meritocracy, the way a person behaved, that a person should be able to earn his rank in society. Confucius also believed that if the home-life had positive values, then there would be a harmony in society. He believed that since children received their values from their parents, how they conducted themselves in society reflected their Home-life. If their homes were stable, then there would be a balance in society. As I was reading this book I thought, how sad and hard these people lived back then. With the Manchus in charge, it's like the people had very harsh and limited lives. The person I felt sorry for was Jung Chang's grandmother because she lived through the Manchu period and, during that period the women were treated like the only thing in life was to obey her husbands commands and have his kids. I am glad that I live in a place where there is freedom and where we don't have to be scared everyday wondering if we are going to make it through another day.