Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Eating disorders and sexual violence Essay Example for Free

Eating disorders and sexual violence Essay Many neurotic behaviors are a direct consequence of Trauma. Some of the disorders caused by sexual violence trauma include Rape Trauma Syndrome, (PTSD), Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD), Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID), and eating disorders (ED). Developing an eating disorder such as compulsive over-eating, anorexia or bulimia after going through sexual violence trauma is very common. However, not all sexual abuse and violence victims will develop an eating disorder. It is estimated that almost 30% to 40% of eating disorder patients are survivors of sexual trauma. A person already vulnerable to eating disorders or suffering from bad self image can use a devastating incident like rape or incest as a trigger to develop an eating disorder. There are countless reasons why eating disorders are used as a coping mechanism by persons suffering from sexual trauma. Some develop eating disorders to avoid sexuality. In other cases it is seen as a way to hide anger or frustration and seek the approval of other people. Since they cannot show the anger and resentment directly, they find unhealthy ways like starving or overeating to express themselves. Some abused teenagers might start viewing their body as a source of shame. In their opinion, unhealthy eating is a way of fixing the problem. In stressful situations like divorce of parents, car accident, death of a sibling and especially rape or molestation the victim feels utterly powerless. The person going through mental trauma will find new ways to improve his or her sense of control. Our culture and society place great emphasis on body image. Being thin is equated with maximum control. As a result, majority of victims start avoiding food or limiting intake to dangerous levels. In this way, the victim no longer remains powerless in their life. A commercial that shows unrealistic bodies will keep motivating such a person to indulge in unhealthy eating behavior. When a person remembers a stressful situation they can be driven to eat more than a normal person. Overeating or eating comfort foods that are high caloric foods can calm the body and relieve it from chronic stress. Sometimes sexually abused women and men merge physical or emotional pleasures with terrifying events. A woman who was raped repeatedly by her uncle as a child will show effects of depression and stress in her later life. However, if the woman had no affection shown towards her by members of her family she will start associating the sexual violence with great affection. This confusing association of good with bad makes her starve and harm her body. She feels pride and satisfaction from harming her body. For her, she has secretly accomplished something other cant. Bulimic patients often experience pleasure and pain for a short span of time. The binging alleviates the hunger longing but very soon shame and self-hatred takes over and she is forced to purge her system entirely. Without recognizing and dealing with trauma it is impossible to treat an eating disorder. It is important that cognitive awareness of the patient is increased as part of the treatment. He/She needs to understand the things that can or cannot be controlled in their lives. The most difficult part is making the patient realize that pain and pleasure are separate experiences that do not need to be subsequently followed by one or the other.

Monday, January 20, 2020

celebrities :: essays research papers fc

There are many people who believe that celebrities only think about themselves and that they aren’t concerned with anyone else’s problems. To me a Hero is some one that you can look to and who inspirers you to be a better person. A celebrity is someone who gets paid a lot of money to pretend to be a hero. There are many problems that face America today such as hunger, poverty and most importantly War. Contrary to popular belief there are several celebrities who are concerned and that donate millions of dollars to charities and there are some who run their own charities. They include multimillionaire Bill Gates, talk-show host Rosie O’Donnell and Louis Armstrong.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã¢â‚¬Å"Bill Gates- created charity donates million to fight hepatitis†, is the headline of Hepatitis Weekly magazine. Multimillionaire Bill Gates donated 37.5 million dollars to help treat Hepatitis B in China, where two-thirds of the population is infected with this lethal disease. The money will be used in buying vaccines to immunize newborn children in poor areas. Approximately 400,000 people in China die from liver Cancer and other ailments caused by the disease (Bill 1).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Talk show host Rosie O’Donnell gets 1,000 dollars donated to her charity for every time a guest on her show gives her a kiss. The money is donated from Listerine Mouthwash; they ended up contributing 500,000 dollars to her All For Kids foundation. 200 computers and 50,000 dollars were donated to the Toys for Tots foundation from the chief executive officer of Leap Frog, which is a company that produces computerized toys that teach children math, science and spelling. After September 11, she donated 1 million dollars to the American Red Cross, another million to a fund that benefits the families of firefighters who were killed in the tragedy (Domenica 3).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  His late wife founded the Louis Armstrong Foundation in 1969. The program is designed to help with fostering programs, workshops and lectures on music history. It also helps in funding and supports the Louis Armstrong schools in Queens for musical education, jazz workshops and the school libraries (Louis 3).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In conclusion, although there are some celebrities who are selfish and don’t care about others, there are some who do. The ones that do, give as much as the can to help others make their lives better.

Sunday, January 12, 2020


When your hard drive crashes from any of the correct selections in the question above, or from dropping It, it is known as head-to-disk interference, or HDL What tool s used to test serial and parallel ports? ESD would cause the most damage to which component? What voltage does a Pentium system use? How long Is an IPv6 address? What flavor of Network Address Translation can be used to have one IP address allow many users to connect to the global Internet? Which protocol does DHCP use at the Transport layer?Where is a hub specified in the OSI model? What layer In the TCP/IP stack Is equivalent to the Transport layer of the OSI model? You want to Implement a mechanism that automates the IP configuration, Including IP address, subnet mask. default gateway, and DNS information. Which protocol will ou use to accomplish this? Which of the following is private IP address? Which layer 4 protocol is used for a Telnet connection? What protocol is used to find the hardware address of a local de vice? Which of the following protocols uses both TCP and UDP?A numeric error code check A 17xx Indicates a problem with: Which provides the fastest access to large video files? You were installing an application in Windows 95, and the computer crashes, what do you do? RS-232 is a standard that applies to:: You Just installed a new IDE hard drive, but your system BIOS will not recognize the new drive, what should you check first. During boot-up, the memory test: What is the first thing you could do to check for damage to a printer after receiving it? You have a system that periodically locks up.You have ruled out software, and now suspect that it is hardware. What should you do first that could help you narrow it down to the component at fault? What tool is used to test serial and parallel ports? You have 10 users plugged into a hub running 10Mbps half-duplex. There is a server connected to the switch running 10Mbps half-duplex as well. How much bandwidth does each host have to the s erver? Which of the following is the valid host range for he subnet on which the IP Which protocol is used to send a destination network unknown message back to originating hosts? Computer Remote access domain can be assessed by requiring two credentials from the three something you are, something you have and something you know. This can impact the data stored on the network as well as the network itself. System and application domains can be assessed by removing unneeded software and patching regularly, this can impact issues with the software and unnecessary programs and usage. Executive management should review and consider the following issued within the domains. We can manage and mitigate these common risks with these practices.Failure to address these issues could result in data loss, outwork downtime and many more big issues. Our systems security should be a priority and these are the issues that need to be addressed. 1 . The aim of the risk assessment process is to remove a hazard or reduce the level Of its risk by adding precautions or control measures, as necessary. By doing so, you have created a safer and healthier workplace. 2. A qualitative assessment is based on opinion than actual fact, and IT risk assessments need to be based on a quantitative analysis. 3. The critical needs to be mitigated immediately. 4.By assessing how important the risk is to the infrastructure and how quickly the risk needs to be mitigated. The one's and two's need to be mitigated as soon as possible and the threes can be mitigated or left alone at management's decision. 5. -Restrict user access and set it up that a user has to get authorization for downloads. -Update software. -Increase WALL security using WPAD and AES encryption. -Strengthen firewall. -Strengthen firewall security; install PIPS and IDS systems to the infrastructure. -Make sure that the VPN is in place and secure. -Remove server, restore database from backup, and remove corruption from system. Computer Do you think this event was caused by an insider or outsider? Why do you t hint this? A An insider could have been included, tragically, but unintentionally, by joining g an individual USB streak removable commute to the workplace machine to the manager, w as contaminated somewhere else with an infection or worm.Be that as it may, all the more that n likely the guilty party was a pariah in light of the fact that it was expressed in account that the issues started when the clients clicked their email connections. Also most messages regularly origin neat from the outside. 2. Other than installing virus and worm control software, what can SSL do to p repaper for the next incident? A. They thought to introduce an understanding firewall into their framework KS. Really they should have had one effectively, overall this issue would not have happened.Be that as it may I guess they don ‘t have a strong security arrangement set up. Likewise, the way that they were putting in new infectio n programming lets me know that they either had a SSH baby one introduced before or that they never had one in any case. 3. Do you think this attack was the result of a virus or a worm? Why do you HTH ink this? A. Lat would need to be both. An infection can demolish your machine framework ark and a worm is used to spread it. Computer A hardware is something we can see and touch in a computer. What is a software? – A software is something we can see but cannot touch, it is usually stored in a computer system. Some of the examples of hardware are: – Mouse – Keyboard – Monitor – CPU -Speaker – Printer Scanner – Trackball – Joystick Some of the examples of software are: – Microsoft Words – Internet Explorer As of the moment, many trends come out in the business world to make human tasks more fast and easy. Information Technology plays a vital role in this part thus asking all necessary tasks more accurate and less time consuming.Nowadays, Information Technology holds a really Important role In our everyday life. Little things needed the work of IT to be completed. This chapter explains the wholeness of the project where in it explain the background of the company and the project. What is a hardware? – A hardware is something we can see and t ouch in a computer. What Is a software? – A software Is something we can see but cannot touch, It Is usually stored in a – Scanner Nowadays, Information Technology holds a really important role in our everyday life.

Saturday, January 4, 2020

What Are Residuals

Linear regression is a statistical tool that determines how well a straight line fits a set of paired data.  The straight line that best fits that data is called the least squares regression line.  This line can be used in a number of ways. One of these uses is to estimate the value of a response variable for a given value of an explanatory variable. Related to this idea is that of a residual. Residuals are obtained by performing subtraction. All that we must do is to subtract the predicted value of y from the observed value of y for a particular x. The result is called a residual. Formula for Residuals The formula for residuals is straightforward: Residual observed y – predicted y It is important to note that the predicted value comes from our regression line. The observed value comes from our data set. Examples We will illustrate the use of this formula by use of an example. Suppose that we are given the following set of paired data: (1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 7), (3, 6), (4, 9), (5, 9) By using software we can see that the least squares regression line is y 2x. We will use this to predict values for each value of x. For example, when x 5 we see that 2(5) 10. This gives us the point along our regression line that has an x coordinate of 5. To calculate the residual at the points x 5, we subtract the predicted value from our observed value. Since the y coordinate of our data point was 9, this gives a residual of 9 – 10 -1. In the following table we see how to calculate all of our residuals for this data set: X Observed y Predicted y Residual 1 2 2 0 2 3 4 -1 3 7 6 1 3 6 6 0 4 9 8 1 5 9 10 -1 Features of Residuals Now that we have seen an example, there are a few features of residuals to note: Residuals are positive for points that fall above the regression line.Residuals are negative for points that fall below the regression line.Residuals are zero for points that fall exactly along the regression line.The greater the absolute value of the residual, the further that the point lies from the regression line.The sum of all of the residuals should be zero. In practice sometimes this sum is not exactly zero. The reason for this discrepancy is that roundoff errors can accumulate. Uses of Residuals There are several uses for residuals. One use is to help us to determine if we have a data set that has an overall linear trend, or if we should consider a different model. The reason for this is that residuals help to amplify any nonlinear pattern in our data. What can be difficult to see by looking at a scatterplot can be more easily observed by examining the residuals, and a corresponding residual plot. Another reason to consider residuals is to check that the conditions for inference for linear regression are met. After verification of a linear trend (by checking the residuals), we also check the distribution of the residuals. In order to be able to perform regression inference, we want the residuals about our regression line to be approximately normally distributed. A histogram or stemplot of the residuals will help to verify that this condition has been met.