Saturday, February 22, 2020

Business Buying Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Business Buying - Essay Example These goods are not aimed directly at consumers and include selling finished goods: e.g. office furniture, computer systems; selling raw materials or components: e.g. steel, coal, wood; selling services to businesses: e.g. security, financial consulting, and legal services In both types of markets there is a distinction between consumers and buyers. Whereas buyers actually make the purchase, it is consumers who use the product. For e.g. if a father buys a Kia Carnival for his daughter, he is the buyer while the actual consumer is the daughter who will drive it. In B2C marketing, marketers have to consider the needs of the consumer and for what purpose will the product be used. If a man buys a Toyota Land Cruiser for his son then it will be classified as a b2c sale. However if a man buys a pickup truck for his factory use it will be a b2b sale. Industrial organisations' buying differs from that of consumers because they have additional needs, for example, the making of profits and legal obligations to their customers. Generally consumer buying is a brief process where they can be affected by situational factors like point of purchase advertising, consumer moods, promotional offers etc. Their sources of information are limited often including commercial factors (car ads on TV, television, internet etc) or reference groups. Buying behavior is largely determined by cultural, social, personal and psychological factors. Consumers can make routine purchases, complex purchases (high involvement products) or simply indulge in impulse buying. Purchasing a car would typically be a high involvement purchase which will be made after much deliberation. Characteristics of B2B markets Business markets contain relatively few buying units as compared to consumer markets. B2b market is even more limited because most companies sell to only a small segment of the total market. Despite this, buying power in many business markets is highly concentrated in a relatively few firms. Not every business will have the buying power to purchase eighteen wheeler trucks. Purchasing power is usually estimated using an activity indicator of buying. There is also a substantial regional concentration in many major industries and among business users as a whole. Businesses start with the evaluation of market size attractiveness which takes into consideration some macro- and micro-economic variables along with some firm related variables; and the second stage is based on the evaluation of a market's structural attractiveness which takes into consideration some cost, structural compatibility, government policy variables etc. Buying behavior can be influenced by the economic environment, e nvironmental factors, organisational factors, interpersonal factors and characteristics of the individual. Buying is less frequent in industrial markets and includes three types of buying situations: New task buying: first time purchase of a major product (buying a heavy duty Volvo truck for the first time) Straight rebuy:

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Construction assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Construction - Assignment Example In order to implement a given responsibility, relationships need to be established in partnering. Type of relationship depend on the type of partnering, for example in the joint venture contract between a contractor, and a design firm is a one-off type of relationship since it does not last. A single firm with both the design and construction capability is a long-time relationship type since the parties involve are employed full time and permanent. When the agreement is successful, then the flow of work is always continuous, for example, a contractor will undertake all the work awarded to him. The contractor will then get a written approval from the Engineer-in-charge or the supervisor. The contractor will then plan its operation. If the supervisor realize that there is a risk factor involve, the supervisor has the right to stop the work. An inspector always ensures that the construction meet the quality level required, but they do not have the authority to get a contractor to give the owner of the highest quality material. If the engineer or the owner dispute the work being performed by a subcontractor, then the owner should attempt to resolve the issue with the main contractor first before embarking on the administration. CQC is the contractor Quality control. The purpose and function of the CQC are to assure that the completed project meets the quality requirement. The representative also has the duty of guiding the contrac tor by preparing a plan. However, the Corps ad engineer provides guidance to Corps in performing effective CQM. In order to manage construction firm but fair policy need to be implemented. Firm but fair policy is a type of policy where both or all parties involve are considered to stick to the laid down policy. An inspector always ensures that the construction work is done according to the laid down codes. They are responsible for; pointing