Thursday, April 9, 2020

Pablo Neruda’s United Fruit Company and Ode to the Americas Essay Example

Pablo Neruda’s United Fruit Company and Ode to the Americas Essay Pablo Neruda’s political poems are unlike his other poems because of his keen focus on social commitment and harsh realities of life. His language is simple and being a common man wrote for the common man. His work is greatly criticized because of his metaphorical references in his political poems unlike any other poems of his time. His political poem majorly intervenes the Neo-Imperialism in the US during the 19th century. He denigrates the corporation due to the greed experienced by Latin American people during that age. This essay focuses on the study of ‘United Fruit Company’ and ‘Ode to Americas’ political poems. Both the poems portray the major theme of economic and political greed in Latin America. This greed is impactful at a physical, mental and emotional scale. Pablo Neruda uses a metaphor to personify natural objects and objectify humans to illustrate physical and emotional state caused by greed. The ‘Ode of Americas’ divides itself into a tripartite structure where there is the past, present, and future. The opening stanza of the ode reveals the positive and tranquil past in Latin America. The speaker’s use of â€Å"pure Americas† shows Neruda’s strong feelings he has for his country. The word â€Å"intact† suggests that the imperialists had not scathed the country. The â€Å"ocean guarded† which kept it untouched. This is more or less a military metaphor. A dependency occurred between the people and nature is highlighted with the phrasesâ€Å"shapers of pitchers† and â€Å"workers of stone†. However â€Å"United Fruit Company†expresses at the start itself how greedy they were towards the Latin Americans. The phrase â€Å"Jehovah gave the world to Coca-Cola Inc., Anaconda, Ford Motors† metaphorically means God chose to give the earth to these corrupted corporations instead of the common native peopl e or maintaining equality. The people stand powerless and suffer due to We will write a custom essay sample on Pablo Neruda’s United Fruit Company and Ode to the Americas specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Pablo Neruda’s United Fruit Company and Ode to the Americas specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Pablo Neruda’s United Fruit Company and Ode to the Americas specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer God’s will. If nature is a creation of God

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