Thursday, May 14, 2020

The Great Depression The Worst Economic Slump - 1427 Words

The great Depression was the worst economic slump in US history, beginning in 1929 it lasted almost a decade. Leuchtenburg suggests â€Å"there was no single cause of the Great crash and ensuing depression†, however the most influential reasons for the Great depression was a culmination between the unequal distribution of income and the extensive speculation of the 1920s. Underlining these two dominant influences was the republican government practises of the 1920’s under Harding, Coolidge and Hoover Governments. The Republican economic policies of the 1920 are contributed significantly to the Great Depression. Misdistribution of income existed on many levels within the US economy. Money was unevenly distributed between rich, middle class and poor, and between industry and agriculture. The 1920’s was an era of considerable growth , bearing witness to its total national income rising from $74 Billion in 1920 to $89 Billion in 1929, associated primarily with Republican economic policies and industrialisation. Much of this growth however was founded upon the illusion of the decade of economic prosperity and growth, yet 43% of all families throughout the 20’s earned less than $1500 a year, considered poverty. In 1929 5% earn 33% of all incomes, the top 0.1% had the combined income of the bottom 42% of society. From 1920-29 real incomes rose 9%, yet the top 1% enjoyed real income rises of 75%. Republican government policy played a major hand in this Maldistribution of income.Show MoreRelatedFranklin Roosevelt (FDR) Essay1224 Words   |  5 Pagesand Roosevelt had very different v iewpoints on how to handle the Great Depression. Hoover preferred â€Å"rugged individualism,† and FDR preferred â€Å"helping hand† philosophies. 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